Resilience is the ability of a region or community to anticipate, withstand, and bounce back from any type of shock, disruption, or stressor it faces. These shocks can include natural disasters, hazards, and the impacts of a changing climate, but also man-made economic disruptions such as the closure of a region’s large employer, the decline of an important industry, changes in the workforce, and shifts in population trends. The power of resilience planning is that it focuses both on emergency response – how to deal with the immediate impact of a disruptive event – as well as how to prepare and organize in advance and rebuild afterwards with a coherent framework.
Because shocks don’t stop at geographical or jurisdictional boundaries, the need to prepare and respond to these events should be a regional effort. Similar risks and opportunities, the interdependence of economies and infrastructure, and the benefits of an all-hands-on-deck approach make working regionally on resilience a must. The CEDS planning process is the right time to foster and nurture key partnerships – you’ll be glad you did once the time comes for everyone to spring into action.
EDA's CEDS Content Guidelines provide suggestions on how economic resilience can be woven into the CEDS through forward-thinking planning, nurturing partnerships, and ongoing measurement. The Guidelines note that the CEDS "at a minimum, should include an identification of the region’s key vulnerabilities and resilience-building goals, measureable objectives, and/or projects in the action plan." The materials below provide a variety of information about resilience and best practices to incorporate it into your CEDS planning and implementation.
(Banner photo credit: Lamoille County Planning Commission, VT)
EDA's CEDS Content Guidelines provide suggestions on how economic resilience can be woven into the CEDS through forward-thinking planning, nurturing partnerships, and ongoing measurement. The Guidelines note that the CEDS "at a minimum, should include an identification of the region’s key vulnerabilities and resilience-building goals, measureable objectives, and/or projects in the action plan." The materials below provide a variety of information about resilience and best practices to incorporate it into your CEDS planning and implementation.
(Banner photo credit: Lamoille County Planning Commission, VT)
Webinar Recordings & Videos
Resilience 101
Incorporating Resilience into the CEDS
Resilience planning provides a framework to support building strong and prosperous communities and regions. This 20-minute webinar lecture covers the ins and outs of economic resilience, what it means, why it matters, and how best to incorporate resilience into your region’s CEDS. During this presentation, you will learn: a definition of resilience that includes both natural and man-made shocks and disruptions; the value of taking a regional approach to resilience planning; the role of regional development organizations in supporting resilience efforts; and examples of case study best practices for infusing resilience into the CEDS content guidelines. Click here to access the recording.
Resilience: The New Normal (Animated Video)
This short video explains the basic concepts of economic resilience and its connection to regional economic development. It is meant to spark a conversation in your own community and region about what resilience means to your residents, businesses, and other local stakeholders. Click here to view the video.
Leading the Way on Resilience (Animated Video)
This video highlights the multiple roles that regional development organizations (RDOs) and Economic Development Districts (EDDs) play in fostering and strengthening resilience in their regions. Because no part of the country is immune from shocks and disruptions, RDOs and EDDs everywhere have the responsibility to step up and be agents of resilience in their communities and regions. Click here to view the video.
Madelia Strong: A Case Study in Economic Resilience (Video)
On February 3, 2016, a fire swept through Madelia, MN’s Main Street in the middle of a snowstorm, destroying nine businesses. Today, recovery in the city continues. With more than $250,000 in local support, all eight buildings have been rebuilt. In responding to this economic shock, this small city of 2,239 people serves as an example to places large and small about what it means to be a resilient community. The NADO Research Foundation and Region Nine Development Commission, with the support of the U.S. Economic Development Administration, released a short video, “Madelia Strong: A Case Study in Economic Resilience” that tells the story of the fire and the recovery. Click here to view the video.
Resiliency Planning and Response
This webinar was presented to Americorps VISTA staff in the EDA Austin region as part of a professional development series. It covers the concepts of resilience, incorporating resilience into the CEDS, the National Disaster Recovery Framework, and EDA's role in the Economic Recovery Support Function. Click here to access the recording.
Resilience planning provides a framework to support building strong and prosperous communities and regions. This 20-minute webinar lecture covers the ins and outs of economic resilience, what it means, why it matters, and how best to incorporate resilience into your region’s CEDS. During this presentation, you will learn: a definition of resilience that includes both natural and man-made shocks and disruptions; the value of taking a regional approach to resilience planning; the role of regional development organizations in supporting resilience efforts; and examples of case study best practices for infusing resilience into the CEDS content guidelines. Click here to access the recording.
Resilience: The New Normal (Animated Video)
This short video explains the basic concepts of economic resilience and its connection to regional economic development. It is meant to spark a conversation in your own community and region about what resilience means to your residents, businesses, and other local stakeholders. Click here to view the video.
Leading the Way on Resilience (Animated Video)
This video highlights the multiple roles that regional development organizations (RDOs) and Economic Development Districts (EDDs) play in fostering and strengthening resilience in their regions. Because no part of the country is immune from shocks and disruptions, RDOs and EDDs everywhere have the responsibility to step up and be agents of resilience in their communities and regions. Click here to view the video.
Madelia Strong: A Case Study in Economic Resilience (Video)
On February 3, 2016, a fire swept through Madelia, MN’s Main Street in the middle of a snowstorm, destroying nine businesses. Today, recovery in the city continues. With more than $250,000 in local support, all eight buildings have been rebuilt. In responding to this economic shock, this small city of 2,239 people serves as an example to places large and small about what it means to be a resilient community. The NADO Research Foundation and Region Nine Development Commission, with the support of the U.S. Economic Development Administration, released a short video, “Madelia Strong: A Case Study in Economic Resilience” that tells the story of the fire and the recovery. Click here to view the video.
Resiliency Planning and Response
This webinar was presented to Americorps VISTA staff in the EDA Austin region as part of a professional development series. It covers the concepts of resilience, incorporating resilience into the CEDS, the National Disaster Recovery Framework, and EDA's role in the Economic Recovery Support Function. Click here to access the recording.
Economic Recovery
The Long and Winding Road to Economic Recovery
Much uncertainty lies ahead as communities and regions recover from the economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. Though there is no playbook for this current situation, lessons learned from other long-term recovery efforts can serve as a foundation to plan for the future. The NADO Research Foundation hosted Erik Pages, founder of EntreWorks Consulting, for a webinar about how communities can recover from economic shocks over the long-term. Topics highlighted included economic diversification, business assistance, entrepreneurship, talent development, improved infrastructure and amenities, and much more. Click here to access the recording.
Best Practices in Resilience Planning to Support Economic Recovery
This session features the best practices of three organizations that have embraced resilience planning. During this session, learn how these approaches and strategies can support your own efforts to enhance your CEDS, write resilience plans, leverage economic recovery coordinators, and overall make resilience the foundation for how you can approach planning and economic development. Click here to access the recording.
Capacity-Builders, Conveners, Collaborators, and More: The Regional Development Organization's Role in Disaster Recovery
With their regional perspective and interdisciplinary focus, their ability to navigate federal programs, their technical expertise, and their broad network of partners at all levels of government and in the private and philanthropic sectors, RDOs can help communities bounce back from disasters more efficiently and effectively. The webinar features speakers from three RDOs that have been intensively involved in disaster recovery efforts. Presenters share their experiences, lessons learned, and recommendations for other RDOs seeking to engage in recovery work. Click here to access the recording.
Building Economic Resilience in Your Community: Linking Economic Development and Hazard Mitigation Planning
This webinar showcases approaches for aligning Hazard Mitigation Plans and CEDS that can help to ensure that businesses can continue operating during and after severe weather events; promote the location of businesses in safe areas; diversify economies and reduce reliance on sectors that are particularly vulnerable to hazards and climate change; and more. Click here to access the recording. Click here to access the report discussed in the webinar, “Recommendations for Linking Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies and Hazard Mitigation Plans.”
Strengthening Regional Economic Resilience through Business Continuity Planning
The ability of businesses to withstand natural disasters is essential for the recovery and resilience of communities and regional economies as a whole. When businesses get back up and running quickly after severe weather events, residents are able to work and obtain access to the goods and services they need, making them more likely to return to their homes. This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of business continuity planning, and discusses how RDOs and local leaders can better support it in their regions. Click here to access the recording.
Much uncertainty lies ahead as communities and regions recover from the economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. Though there is no playbook for this current situation, lessons learned from other long-term recovery efforts can serve as a foundation to plan for the future. The NADO Research Foundation hosted Erik Pages, founder of EntreWorks Consulting, for a webinar about how communities can recover from economic shocks over the long-term. Topics highlighted included economic diversification, business assistance, entrepreneurship, talent development, improved infrastructure and amenities, and much more. Click here to access the recording.
Best Practices in Resilience Planning to Support Economic Recovery
This session features the best practices of three organizations that have embraced resilience planning. During this session, learn how these approaches and strategies can support your own efforts to enhance your CEDS, write resilience plans, leverage economic recovery coordinators, and overall make resilience the foundation for how you can approach planning and economic development. Click here to access the recording.
Capacity-Builders, Conveners, Collaborators, and More: The Regional Development Organization's Role in Disaster Recovery
With their regional perspective and interdisciplinary focus, their ability to navigate federal programs, their technical expertise, and their broad network of partners at all levels of government and in the private and philanthropic sectors, RDOs can help communities bounce back from disasters more efficiently and effectively. The webinar features speakers from three RDOs that have been intensively involved in disaster recovery efforts. Presenters share their experiences, lessons learned, and recommendations for other RDOs seeking to engage in recovery work. Click here to access the recording.
Building Economic Resilience in Your Community: Linking Economic Development and Hazard Mitigation Planning
This webinar showcases approaches for aligning Hazard Mitigation Plans and CEDS that can help to ensure that businesses can continue operating during and after severe weather events; promote the location of businesses in safe areas; diversify economies and reduce reliance on sectors that are particularly vulnerable to hazards and climate change; and more. Click here to access the recording. Click here to access the report discussed in the webinar, “Recommendations for Linking Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies and Hazard Mitigation Plans.”
Strengthening Regional Economic Resilience through Business Continuity Planning
The ability of businesses to withstand natural disasters is essential for the recovery and resilience of communities and regional economies as a whole. When businesses get back up and running quickly after severe weather events, residents are able to work and obtain access to the goods and services they need, making them more likely to return to their homes. This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of business continuity planning, and discusses how RDOs and local leaders can better support it in their regions. Click here to access the recording.
Economic Diversification & Transitioning Economies
Strategies for Supporting Economic Diversification
Planning for economic diversification is an important undertaking to explore through your CEDS. Too many places throughout the country and the world have built economies around a single sector or industry, leaving them vulnerable to both immediate shocks and longer, slow-moving chronic trends. Regions and communities that diversify their economies are much better positioned to face a mix of inevitable future shocks and disruptions. This webinar tutorial covers the basics of economic diversification, shares best practices and case studies, key tips for revitalization, and more. Click here to access the recording.
Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Transitioning Economies
This webinar offered by the Nuclear Closure Communities Technical Assistance team featured how two regions—one responding to the closure of coal-fired power plants (Hampton Township, MI) and the other responding to the loss of the paper mill industry (the area served by NADO member Eastern Maine Development Corporation)—have positioned themselves for economic recovery despite these setbacks. Both places engaged in early planning, forged deep and sustaining partnerships, pursued diversification strategies, and engaged with federal partners to support their efforts. In addition to these case studies, the webinar also provided a framework and resources for supporting transition and diversification efforts in your community. Click here to view the webinar recording.
Putting the Challenge in Perspective: Lessons Learned from Coal Communities Across the Country
As communities and regions across the country address the impacts caused by the downturn in the coal industry, places that are actively pursuing economic diversification opportunities have become better positioned to take on the challenges that lie ahead. This recording of a webinar hosted by the University of Illinois Extension discusses how rural coal-reliant communities in the West and in Appalachia are setting a new course in a variety of ways, including through workforce development and retraining, entrepreneurship, outdoor recreation, cultural heritage, renewable energy, and more. Click here to access the recording.
Strengthening Economies in Our Nation's Coal-Reliant Communities
This 15-minute webinar briefing provides examples and best practices from efforts in coal communities that are tapping into local assets and growing local economies. These include drone technology, outdoor recreation, mine reclamation, broadband, and more. The process of change will not be easy, but the current transition offers tremendous opportunities to rebuild communities and forge a path towards a more prosperous future. This briefing should be of interest to any region that is looking for examples about diversifying its economy to be more resilient to unforeseen economic shocks. Click here to access the recording.
Emerging Opportunities for Economic Diversification in Coal-Reliant Regions
This webinar showcases how changes in the coal industry are impacting regions in Kentucky and New Mexico, what efforts are underway to support their regional economies through key partnerships, and what local assets have been identified to drive future economic development. Click here to access the recording.
Unleashing the Economic Power of Small-Scale Manufacturing
This webinar explored how supporting small-scale manufacturing in your region can create new opportunities for residents and foster a sense of place and hometown pride. Learn how communities across the country are working with small-scale manufacturing businesses to help increase local employment, attract investment into target neighborhoods, and build inclusive economic opportunity. Click here to access the recording.
Planning for economic diversification is an important undertaking to explore through your CEDS. Too many places throughout the country and the world have built economies around a single sector or industry, leaving them vulnerable to both immediate shocks and longer, slow-moving chronic trends. Regions and communities that diversify their economies are much better positioned to face a mix of inevitable future shocks and disruptions. This webinar tutorial covers the basics of economic diversification, shares best practices and case studies, key tips for revitalization, and more. Click here to access the recording.
Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Transitioning Economies
This webinar offered by the Nuclear Closure Communities Technical Assistance team featured how two regions—one responding to the closure of coal-fired power plants (Hampton Township, MI) and the other responding to the loss of the paper mill industry (the area served by NADO member Eastern Maine Development Corporation)—have positioned themselves for economic recovery despite these setbacks. Both places engaged in early planning, forged deep and sustaining partnerships, pursued diversification strategies, and engaged with federal partners to support their efforts. In addition to these case studies, the webinar also provided a framework and resources for supporting transition and diversification efforts in your community. Click here to view the webinar recording.
Putting the Challenge in Perspective: Lessons Learned from Coal Communities Across the Country
As communities and regions across the country address the impacts caused by the downturn in the coal industry, places that are actively pursuing economic diversification opportunities have become better positioned to take on the challenges that lie ahead. This recording of a webinar hosted by the University of Illinois Extension discusses how rural coal-reliant communities in the West and in Appalachia are setting a new course in a variety of ways, including through workforce development and retraining, entrepreneurship, outdoor recreation, cultural heritage, renewable energy, and more. Click here to access the recording.
Strengthening Economies in Our Nation's Coal-Reliant Communities
This 15-minute webinar briefing provides examples and best practices from efforts in coal communities that are tapping into local assets and growing local economies. These include drone technology, outdoor recreation, mine reclamation, broadband, and more. The process of change will not be easy, but the current transition offers tremendous opportunities to rebuild communities and forge a path towards a more prosperous future. This briefing should be of interest to any region that is looking for examples about diversifying its economy to be more resilient to unforeseen economic shocks. Click here to access the recording.
Emerging Opportunities for Economic Diversification in Coal-Reliant Regions
This webinar showcases how changes in the coal industry are impacting regions in Kentucky and New Mexico, what efforts are underway to support their regional economies through key partnerships, and what local assets have been identified to drive future economic development. Click here to access the recording.
Unleashing the Economic Power of Small-Scale Manufacturing
This webinar explored how supporting small-scale manufacturing in your region can create new opportunities for residents and foster a sense of place and hometown pride. Learn how communities across the country are working with small-scale manufacturing businesses to help increase local employment, attract investment into target neighborhoods, and build inclusive economic opportunity. Click here to access the recording.
Publications & Case Studies
Resilience Planning Workshop Guide
Regional development organizations and EDDs are using local and regional resilience workshops to identify community climate and economic resilience needs, connect local leaders with funding opportunities, and create action plans for future sustainable growth. This NADO Research Foundation resource provides a walk through of how organizations can bring these resilience workshops to their own regions. Topics covered include workshop goalsetting, stakeholder engagement, and post-workshop implementation, evaluation, and follow-up. Click here to access the guide.
Regional Approaches to Resilience: A Tour of Resilience Work Around the Country
This series of case studies highlights regional development organizations across the country that recognize the importance of becoming more resilient to natural disasters and other economic disruptions and are taking meaningful action towards building regional resilience such as integrating regional planning efforts, prioritizing resilient transportation investments, diversifying their economies, assessing economic vulnerabilities, and promoting green infrastructure and safe development. Click here to read the case studies.
Lessons from the Storm: Case Studies on Economic Recovery and Resilience
This case study series highlights the efforts of EDDs that have received disaster recovery funding from EDA. The case studies demonstrate how regions have effectively used federal funding to address the impacts of natural disasters, become more resilient to future events, and increase economic competitiveness and quality of life. Click here to read the case studies.
Nuclear Power Plants and the CEDS
Given the significant economic and social contributions nuclear power plants make to their host communities, it is a natural fit to discuss their role and impact in the region’s CEDS. However, a national review of these documents reveals that these issues are often not thoroughly addressed in many CEDS that cover a region home to a nuclear power plant. This brief provides observations and best practices to encourage organizations to incorporate nuclear community issues into the CEDS to better position their regions for recovery and resilience. Click here to view the brief.
Resilient Regions: Integrating Economic Development Strategies, Sustainability Principles, and Hazard Mitigation Planning
This report provides an in-depth look at the roles that regional development organizations are taking to help local and regional economies re-build after natural disasters in Iowa, Florida, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Wisconsin. Click here to download the report.
Planning for Transportation Together: Collaborating to Address Transportation and Economic Resilience
Across the nation, state agencies and regional development organizations are working together and with other partners to create jobs, improve access to employment, education, and essential services, and to advance quality of life in communities and regions. This report presents case studies that demonstrate how state agencies and regional planning and development organizations are working together on deliberate interventions to produce tangible benefits that are specific to the context, are sustained over time, and make a place more resilient. Click here to download the report.
Integrating Economic Resilience in Performance-based Transportation Planning
Using information from dozens of regional planning and development organizations and their partners, this report suggests a framework for considering economic resilience and the input of economic development stakeholders throughout the planning process—from developing a vision, goals, and objectives through to selecting measures, prioritizing projects, and communicating performance information. Click here to download the report.
Lessons Learned from Irene: Vermont RPCs Address Transportation System Recovery
The collaboration between the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) and the Vermont Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs) following Hurricane Irene in 2011 offers lessons for disaster preparedness and recovery, both crucial elements for building more resilient communities. While the RPCs were well positioned to assist because of their established relationships and networks within the towns, their recovery activities often went beyond their typical scope of work. Click here to download the report.
Regional development organizations and EDDs are using local and regional resilience workshops to identify community climate and economic resilience needs, connect local leaders with funding opportunities, and create action plans for future sustainable growth. This NADO Research Foundation resource provides a walk through of how organizations can bring these resilience workshops to their own regions. Topics covered include workshop goalsetting, stakeholder engagement, and post-workshop implementation, evaluation, and follow-up. Click here to access the guide.
Regional Approaches to Resilience: A Tour of Resilience Work Around the Country
This series of case studies highlights regional development organizations across the country that recognize the importance of becoming more resilient to natural disasters and other economic disruptions and are taking meaningful action towards building regional resilience such as integrating regional planning efforts, prioritizing resilient transportation investments, diversifying their economies, assessing economic vulnerabilities, and promoting green infrastructure and safe development. Click here to read the case studies.
Lessons from the Storm: Case Studies on Economic Recovery and Resilience
This case study series highlights the efforts of EDDs that have received disaster recovery funding from EDA. The case studies demonstrate how regions have effectively used federal funding to address the impacts of natural disasters, become more resilient to future events, and increase economic competitiveness and quality of life. Click here to read the case studies.
Nuclear Power Plants and the CEDS
Given the significant economic and social contributions nuclear power plants make to their host communities, it is a natural fit to discuss their role and impact in the region’s CEDS. However, a national review of these documents reveals that these issues are often not thoroughly addressed in many CEDS that cover a region home to a nuclear power plant. This brief provides observations and best practices to encourage organizations to incorporate nuclear community issues into the CEDS to better position their regions for recovery and resilience. Click here to view the brief.
Resilient Regions: Integrating Economic Development Strategies, Sustainability Principles, and Hazard Mitigation Planning
This report provides an in-depth look at the roles that regional development organizations are taking to help local and regional economies re-build after natural disasters in Iowa, Florida, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Wisconsin. Click here to download the report.
Planning for Transportation Together: Collaborating to Address Transportation and Economic Resilience
Across the nation, state agencies and regional development organizations are working together and with other partners to create jobs, improve access to employment, education, and essential services, and to advance quality of life in communities and regions. This report presents case studies that demonstrate how state agencies and regional planning and development organizations are working together on deliberate interventions to produce tangible benefits that are specific to the context, are sustained over time, and make a place more resilient. Click here to download the report.
Integrating Economic Resilience in Performance-based Transportation Planning
Using information from dozens of regional planning and development organizations and their partners, this report suggests a framework for considering economic resilience and the input of economic development stakeholders throughout the planning process—from developing a vision, goals, and objectives through to selecting measures, prioritizing projects, and communicating performance information. Click here to download the report.
Lessons Learned from Irene: Vermont RPCs Address Transportation System Recovery
The collaboration between the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) and the Vermont Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs) following Hurricane Irene in 2011 offers lessons for disaster preparedness and recovery, both crucial elements for building more resilient communities. While the RPCs were well positioned to assist because of their established relationships and networks within the towns, their recovery activities often went beyond their typical scope of work. Click here to download the report.